I’m a trans and neurodivergent visual artist who love to talk about the inconfortable feelings. In my newsletter & podcast BALBOA PARK I share all the things that make me grow as a human AND as an artist hoping that some of them may resonate with you and save you some time
and you can read it on my Substack account!
go subscribe : https://nicozbalboa.substack.com/
You will start receiving updates right in your inbox. You can also log in to the website to read the full archives and other posts as they are published.
1. Why this, why now
I’ve been blogging since 2005 and I’ve been sending mails to mail from mailchimp since 2018.
unfortunately blogging at some point became obsolete and readers become more active on facebook and then instagram (and so did I). but I’ve missed the idea of having a space out of the *meta* world to write and tell my community what’s going on.
and sending my newsletter with mailchimp feels to much corporate to me. and I don’t want to use it anymore.
so I’m migrating on substack… to have a place from where sending you mails that will also look more like a sort of fancy blog.
and BALBOA PARK is also a PODCAST that you can listen to:
Substack , Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon music, Audible
or you can just received it in your inbox once you have subscribed!